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Simon Jones
Aug 9, 2021
Manager's Quick Hit List: Handling Objections
Negotiations are rarely issue free but don't let the red flags stop play! Here are my 7 techniques for diffusing and moving forward.
Simon Jones
Jul 14, 2021
Manager's Quick Hit List: Presenting Skills
Now we are moving back in the room, how to deliver a presentation worth listening to... BE CLEAR, CONCISE & ON BRIEF. Clarity of writing...
Simon Jones
Jul 14, 2021
Manager's Quick Hit List: Putting People First
The aim? To promote resilience and agility – your people are your business’s primary assets. How? LOSE “bulls#!t deadlines” – don’t...
Simon Jones
Jun 23, 2021
Putting People First
How to build a ‘people’ focused (and productive) team! Your people make things happen - without them you can't hit your business goals....
Simon Jones
May 12, 2021
Putting people first – why collaboration is key (particularly in a board room war zone)
What do you do when your leadership team can’t stand each other? Operating in financial restructuring the last person a CFO wants to see...
Simon Jones
Mar 11, 2021
How do I stay relevant...digitally that is?
Are you providing seamless solutions in a hyperconnected reality? No? How to stay digitally relevant at this boom time of transformation.
Simon Jones
Feb 18, 2021
How do I rebuild my team’s mojo when lockdown eases?
The first in our series: What business leaders are thinking but may be too afraid to ask! There is no getting away from the fact that we...
Simon Jones
Jan 28, 2021
Do good leaders need to be industry experts?
Or can interims prove effective in new industries? Was Elon Musk a car expert? Richard Branson may have liked music but he wasn’t ‘in’...
Simon Jones
Jan 26, 2021
How will consumer behaviour affect the economic outcome in 2021?
Are we set to expect a Great Rebound Part 2? Back in June 2020, Andy Haldane, the chief economist of the Bank of England (BoE), gave a...
Simon Jones
Dec 3, 2020
Rocky road for retail but the agile will survive
It is with regret that we read about Arcadia’s demise but more because of the impact on those that will lose their jobs. It’s not like we...
Simon Jones
Nov 5, 2020
Why business should make scenario planning a priority
Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but should we have planned for this pandemic?
Simon Jones
Aug 20, 2020
Put it out there. Be a Visionary Thinker.
What is the quality that separates a good manager from a great leader? This can be summed up in one word, vision.
Simon Jones
Jul 8, 2020
Keeping your options open - how to survive a recession.
How should UK businesses approach the inevitable recession? Cash is king but being agile will help your business survive in the downturn.
Simon Jones
Jun 18, 2020
Putting people first
People with high levels of emotional intelligence are better communicators, negotiators, and influencers. They also make better leaders too.
Simon Jones
Jun 3, 2020
How to navigate your business through the impacts of Covid-19
The ability to navigate a business through a time of crisis is a skill that comes from experience. Is it time to bring in an expert?
Simon Jones
May 6, 2020
How to influence in virtual meetings
Influencing is the key to making progress in business - but how can you still get your actions actioned when all interaction is now online?
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